Kat Fitzpatrick

Kat Fitzpatrick, M.F.A., was one of the few American dependents living in Saigon at the end of the Vietnam War, the daughter of a CIA operative who worked in ultra-secret propaganda. She grappled with that fact for much of her life and finally dedicated herself to putting the circumstances of that time into words. Her 2015 chapbook, The Fight to Write, What the Vietnam War Taught Me About Truth and Writing relays some of that struggle.

As a freelance writer and educator, Kat has held a variety of jobs in support of her writing habit including banquet waiter, pedal-cab driver, and adventure trip leader, as well as myriad desk jobs. She lives in Upstate New York where she runs, hikes, and paddles as often as she can.

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I hope you will join me

Let us dare to read, think, speak, and write. ~ John Adams

The 50th anniversary of the end of the Vietnam War is approaching. Read stories. Think about what that era meant to your life. Speak to me about sharing your story (or the story of someone you know). Write about that time, whether in your own private journal, or for the wider world. There is no one right way to open new horizons, but many ways to make our way to a calmer present and to a brighter future.